30 octobre 2005

La citation du jour

"Il y a trois choses vraies : Dieu, la sottise humaine et le rire. Puisque les deux premières dépassent notre entendement, nous devons nous arranger au mieux avec la troisième. "

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

6 commentaires:

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Hello Etoiline, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into chart currency trading; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was La citation du jour so I've been having a goog time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into chart currency trading to make it more useful. Thank you!

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G'day Etoiline, what a great blog you have here, been entertained by the read. Just noticed that my intended brief time visiting blogs looking for currency trading recommendation items has run into a couple of hours. Easily done when you get engrossed in what people write about. I should really use currency trading recommendation as a search term but then I might miss places such as La citation du jour. Besides which working all the time is boring.

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Greetings Etoiline, I'm looking for information and chat about commodity trading currency and came across your site. There are some views in La citation du jour that I can take on board. I used commodity trading currency as one of my search terms which is how I came to visit your site. Enjoyed the read, I'll make note to come back again.

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Hello Etoiline, I've just been playing Serious Sam 2 before getting down to do some research into 4x currency trading; on the whole I'd rather continue playing. First place I came to was La citation du jour so I've been having a goog time reading your blog. There are some ideas that I could maybe incorporate into 4x currency trading to make it more useful. Thank you!

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Hi Etoiline, oh dear, I'm getting sqaure eyed here - must have been spending too much time reading blogs and 4x currency trading information. I'm supposed to be looking for 4x currency trading items but I find it all too easy just to click 'Next' and just see anything which is how I came to La citation du jour. Some blogs I just skip through but I spent a while here. Ciao.

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Aloha Etoiline, I'm in Hawaiian mood as I'm listening to Ki ho'alu music (If you've not heard this type of guitar music then you are in for a treat!) so I'm not really concentrating very hard but I came across ##TITlE## looking up gen on currency trading tutorial. Anything to do with currency trading tutorial I always look at, though I do have a tendency to wander about in blogs just reading generally.